10 Things To Do To Prepare Your Home Before A NewBorn Arrives

10 Things To Do To Prepare Your Home Before A NewBorn Arrives

Kids June, 04, 2024

There is a lot of chaos when a newborn is about to arrive home. Many tasks must be done before the child arrives, but we need help completing them. In most cases you don’t have much people to help you. It happens with many couples, especially those who live far from family. They keep thinking that we wish someone had informed us about all these things earlier. Now that you have come this far, we will help you out.

Will you be partially busy once a newborn baby comes to your house? You'll require additional time to prioritize the newborn baby's essentials. Having adequate support is crucial for developing a comprehensive baby-proofing checklist. Don't be afraid to stay with Trusted10.io because here, you will get all the essential tips for getting ready for a newborn.

Here, you will learn what essential items to stock up on for your newborn baby, how to create a safe place for them to sleep, how to baby-proof the house, and much more. Let's dive in without further delay.

1: Stock Up on Newborn Baby Essentials

Newborn babies, of course, cannot go shopping for themselves. Assume how it would feel if they go to a shopping mall and say hey, give me a diaper for my size. You had to buy and keep all the necessary items for them. Here's a concise list of essential items to have on your shopping radar.

  1. Diapers: The first and most important thing for newborn babies is their diapers. On or after the fifth day, a newborn baby changes six or more wet diapers daily. Since your baby's weight will increase, you should have different diaper sizes available. It would help if you had diapers of every size available to avoid any shortage of diapers in the first few months. Once you have bought diapers, you should also take care of other crucial newborn baby essentials like diaper rash cream, changing pads, diaper bags, etc.
  2. Crib: A newborn should sleep at least 14-17 hours in 24 hours. So, do you need a comfortable place for them? Many people may wonder why we must think about where newborns sleep; our newborn should be with us. Doing this will not be good for your kid and is thus not recommended. That's why the second place where you have to invest is Crib. Also, don't forget to invest in blankets and crib sheets.
  3. Baby Clothing & Care Products: You should change your baby's clothing at least 2 to 4 times daily. A good rule of thumb is to clothe your infant in as many layers as you do. Additionally, you can use one extra layer for warmth. Let's explore some of the must-have essential baby care products. First, don't forget to stock up at least 8-10 bottles and nipples. Second, a bottle brush and a dishwasher basket for these bottles. You should also have nipple cream, nursing pads, a breast pump, and milk storage bags on hand if you want to breastfeed. You can add medical supplies like a thermometer and nail clippers to this list. 

2: Set up the Nursery

This is a considerable task to settle a baby's crib. Why? Because many of us do it the wrong way! Let's look at how the room should be and how you should settle the crib. Before we provide a complete explanation, here is another question for you. Have you ever seen babies don't sleep at night? This is due to a reason. Babies find summer nights the best time to play. Trying to blackout your baby's room entirely and separate their toys will help you immensely. One more thing: try to place the crib away from walls or windows. This will help once the baby can stand on their feet and tries to stand on the cot. They would not end up banging their heads and crying the whole night.

Also, remember to look for great gadgets to help you set up your nursery. Consider a humidifier, air purifier, baby monitor, white noise machines, etc. All these will help them sleep better.  

3: Sanitize and Deep Clean Your Home

You must maintain cleanliness to take good care of your child. That is why you must clean your house thoroughly from time to time. If you have any concerns or questions about what to do or how to do it, we'll provide the necessary guidance here. You must ensure you take the time to complete all these tasks correctly. Use cleaning spray for light switches, doorknobs, and countertops like high-touch surfaces. For better health, consider using non-toxic cleaning products to avoid any harm to the baby during your pregnancy and breastfeeding. You can use products that have low levels of chemicals. 

4: Baby Proofing Checklist

There are three items to avoid in baby sections. One is appliances, the second is breakables, and the third is cables. Not even your phone's charger. Keep this away from crib, bathing, and nappy changing areas. The second point to make sure of is you are changing the baby's nappy on the ground or somewhere lower. They can't run or try to keep a hand on them until a changing nappy is done. Babies try to boost themself out of the crib. You must keep the enormous teddy bears and billows out of the baby's bed. Keep the edges of tables guarded with corner guards. This will prevent painful knocks and scrapers. 

You may have a table top LCD or something which can drop like a side table which is kept in master room. You need to achor all these heavy furnityre to the wall. This will help you to prevent accidents.

One last thing you need to do proper safety arrangements specially near windows, furnitures where you keep baby. You can install window guards, blind cord wraps and furniture corner gaurds. 

5: Create a Safe Sleeping Environment

Let's start this from ABC's of babies sleeping safely. A for alone, B for the back (baby sleeping position), and C for a crib. We have already discussed alone and crib; now it turns to sleeping on the back. You should ensure your baby sleeps on their back, not the sides. Let's discuss the importance of this practice, especially in situations where babies may spit up. Use a firm mattress on the crib and ensure a tight-fitted sheet. You will often find that babies change sleep positions; don't try to correct their posture. If you do this, it will wake them up. You can decorate your baby's room as you like, but ensure the sleep space remains clear and clutter-free. You can consider the co-sleeper for better safety. It will also help your baby with night feeding. 

6: Prepare for Feeding Time

When you have completed such a long journey, try to think about yourself, along with some first-time mom tips. You can pay attention to some such things so that you will enjoy your me-time even while caring for your baby. Consider creating a designated feeding area with comfortable seating and good lighting. If you are bottle-feeding your kid, have a bottle sterilizer, a formula dispenser, and a bottle warmer.

After cleaning, sterilizing is an additional procedure to eliminate even more bacteria. More protection against all illnesses may be achieved by sterilizing feeding items. It is recommended that the bottle be wiped after each feeding. Discarding any unfinished infant formula if it is not consumed within two hours is recommended.

7: Organize Baby Supplies

What do you think about setting up a diaper-changing station? With many diapers, wipes, and diaper rash cream all in one space, you must choose your changing table spot first. The second step is ensuring you are all set to stage a tremendous diapering session. Remember to keep a table stash nearby. Keep the diapering go-bag well organized. 

The following smart move would be to arrange the garments according to their respective sizes. Keep the baby's clothing selection limited to items that fit. Organize and name all of the larger items. You may also make a number of different labels for different ages, such as 3-6 months, 6-12 months, winter, party, etc.

Your next move should be to create a baby medicine and grooming kit. This kit should be easily accessible. Add 1 baby-safe nail clipper or scissors, cotton swabs, a digital thermometer, a nasal aspirator, gentle shampoo and conditioner, a soft brush, and a comb. 

8: Get Ready for Bath Time

You could find that bath time becomes an ordeal when you're a parent. If you must physically grip your tiny ones as you attempt to shower them, this might take longer. When you have an anti-slip bath mat, you may confidently grab the shampoo without worrying that your baby will slide and fall. You will have to invest in many products for your baby's bath. This will include but is not limited to mild baby soap, shampoo, lotion, towels, washcloths, and a hooded towel for drying and warmth.   

9: Prepare Your Pets for the New Arrival

A positive introduction sets the stage for a pleasant friendship that lasts a lifetime. Ensure your pets are prepared to welcome the new member into the house. Maintain a routine for your pets while staying consistent with their existing schedule. Also, give your pet their own space. This way you can introduce your newborn baby with the pet. You need to regularly vaccinate your pets. This way you will make a safer space for your kids. This also ensure the pet's immunty remains strong. 

10: Make Space for Baby Gear and Equipment

Clearing out space for baby gear is very important. Mark a day in the week to check and clear your space. This will increase your newborn baby's immunity and health. Here are the things to look at while checking for space: strollers, car seats, and baby carriers. You can have an infant carrier in your car. These will work as appropriate car seats once installed properly. This trick gives you a foolproof plan to bring your baby home. Lastly, you will need a designated space to store a collapsible stroller or baby carrier. This should be readily available once you are ready to go out. 

Tips for First-Time Moms

You are normal to experience a range of emotions, from enthusiasm to anxiety, as you begin the incredible adventure of parenthood. Just know that you have a lot of people rooting for you and that you are not alone in this journey. With their support, you can face this new chapter with poise and confidence.

  1. Prioritize Self-Care: In the midst of caring for your newborn, it's crucial to remember to take care of yourself. Set aside time, even if it's just a few minutes each day, to recharge and engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.
  2. Embrace Rest: One typical issue that new parents often face is a lack of sleep. If you can, try to get some sleep when your baby does. You can keep up your energy levels and handle the challenges of parenthood with the aid of a nap.
  3. Ask for Help: In times of need, don't be shy about asking for help from those you care about or from experts in the field. It takes strength, not weakness, to accept help. Lean on your loved ones for help with meals, chores, or simply to provide a listening ear.
  4. Join a Support Group: One way to feel less alone and more understood is to make connections with other new mothers. Talking to someone about your struggles, triumphs, and advice may be a great source of solace and reduce feelings of isolation.
  5. Educate Yourself: Immerse yourself in parenting books, articles, and resources to learn about various parenting styles and techniques. Gaining more information may enhance your self-assurance and enable you to make well-informed choices.
  6. Attend Parenting Classes: Parents may gain wisdom and competence by enrolling in parenting courses. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear from professionals in the field and make connections with other parents going through the same things you are.

Remember, every journey into motherhood is unique, and it's okay to feel a range of emotions. Pay attention to your gut, be patient with yourself, and take use of the resources that are at your disposal. You are about to go on an incredible journey that will be full of love, personal development, and boundless happiness.


In conclusion, we hope you are all set to get ready for a newborn baby. The most important things to remember from this blog article are... Firstly, don’t forget to stock diapers, cribs, and baby clothing and care products. Secondly, prepare well for your nursery. Then, sanitize your home. Baby-proof your house and hide things that could break easily or may harm your newborn baby. Once done, it’s time to create a sleeping environment for your kid. 

Trusted10.io will help you in each stage of pregnancy and motherhood. Remember to check back regularly for timely updates and new blog posts. Also, if you have time for the baby to come home, ensure this whole list is prepared and everything is done. Implementing these preparations will make the transition smoother once your baby arrives home.