Flying for the First Time? Here's What You Need to Know | 10 Must-Know Tips

Flying for the First Time? Here's What You Need to Know | 10 Must-Know Tips

Travel Guide September, 24, 2024

It's exciting and scary at the same time to take your first flight. The excitement and anticipation of your first flight can be exhilarating, but it's understandable to have questions and even a bit of nervousness. But it's normal to have many questions and maybe even be slightly worried. What's it like to go through a big airport? How do you ensure you're comfortable sitting on the airplane for so long? We've got your back! We'll eliminate all those worries and help you feel excited about your first time flying.

In this guide, we're sharing ten helpful tips to ensure you're all set for your first time in the air. We'll talk about easy ways to book your flight, what to bring to ensure you're cozy, and how to move around the airport without any stress. This complete guide will help you on your very first flight. Also, you can go to to book your flights.

And guess what? The folks at are here to help, too. We've been there and done that, so we know what it's like to fly for the first time. So, by the end of this, you'll feel like a travel pro, ready to zip through the sky and have a blast on your first flight. Let's get ready to fly!

Tip 1: Research and compare flights

Kicking off your journey into the skies starts with a super-important step: picking the right flight. Getting this part right for all the first-timers out there can make your whole trip smoother and more fun. So, let's dive into why it's super smart to look around and compare different flights before you hit that "book now" button.

Why It's Smart to Compare Flights

  1. Save Some Bucks: Who doesn't like a good deal? Checking out different flights lets you find excellent prices that keep your wallet happy.
  2. Pick What You Like: Some planes give you a lot of space, free snacks, and entertainment while you're in the air. Comparing means you can choose a flight that's just your style.
  3. Get the Best Timing: Look for flights that leave and arrive when it is best for you. Get up at three in the morning if you're not absolutely required to!
  4. Fly Safe and Sound: Doing some homework on which airlines are known for being super safe and making people happy can improve your trip.

Tips for Finding the Best Flight

  1. Use Cool Flight-Finding Tools: Websites like Expedia or Google Flights are treasure maps for finding great flights. They let you see lots of options all at once.
  2. Watch for Price Drops: Sign up for alerts on these websites, and they'll tell you if prices go down.
  3. Be a Little Flexible: You may discover incredible bargains on vacation if you are willing to be flexible.
  4. See What Others Say: Read reviews from other travelers to find out what flying with different airlines is like.
  5. Think About Stops: Sometimes flights with a stopover are cheaper, and you might even get to peek at another city.

By checking out your options and using these first-time flying tips, you'll be all set to book a flight that's just right for your big adventure.

Compare and Book Flights on

Tip 2: Choose the right seat

Picking the perfect spot to park on a plane is more than just a game of eeny, meeny, miny, and moe. It's about finding that sweet spot where you'll feel comfortable, especially when it's your first time flying up, up, and away. Prefer a window seat to watch the world go by, or an aisle seat for easy access and legroom. Let's break it down and give you top-notch beginner air travel advice on choosing the right seat for your journey.

Aisle, Middle, or Window: What's the Deal?

Aisle Seats:

  1. Good Stuff: It is easy to stretch your legs and hop out for a walk or bathroom break without saying "excuse me" or "pardon me."
  2. Not-so-Good Stuff: You might find yourself playing dodgeball with folks and carts passing by, and it's less private.

Middle Seats:

  1. Good Stuff: You get to make new friends on both sides and have quick exits on either side.
  2. Drawbacks: The window lacks picturesque scenery, and frequent "excuse me" statements may be necessary to function.

Window Seats:

  1. Good Stuff: You get your movie of clouds and landscapes, plus a wall to lean on for a snooze.
  2. Not-so-Good Stuff: Scooting past your seatmates for a walk or restroom break can be awkward.

Picking a Seat When You're a Bit Nervous

Selecting an appropriate seat might alleviate flight anxiety for some:

  1. Window Seats are great: for daydreaming and feeling a bit more in your own bubble. Taking in the scenery may have a really relaxing effect.
  2. Aisle Seats: Perfect for those who like knowing they can get up and move around without a fuss, making the space feel a bit less cramped.
  3. Middle Seats? Maybe Not: Having your own space by the window or easy aisle access might feel better than being in the middle if flying causes you anxiety.

When you're getting ready for takeoff on your first big flight, thinking about where you'll plant yourself can make a huge difference in how cool, calm, and collected you feel. So, take a moment to weigh the pros and cons and pick a seat to make your sky-high adventure as smooth as possible. Safe travels!

Tip 3: Pack smart

Preparing your suitcase or backpack for a flight isn't just about throwing in your favorite outfits and calling it a day. It's about making intelligent choices to breeze through the airport and enjoy the flight without sweating. After you've nailed the flight booking essentials, your next mission is to pack like a pro. Here are some insider tips to pack smart and make your journey as smooth as a cloudless sky.

Smart Packing for a Stellar Flight

  1. Dress for Success: Wear comfy clothes and shoes that let you move and breathe easily. Think of it like dressing for a super relaxed day, but you're way up in the air.
  2. Tiny Must-Haves: Those little bottles of shampoo or lotion? Perfect for travel. Remember a cozy neck pillow, earplugs, and an eye mask to make your seat feel like a little piece of home.
  3. Keep It Tidy: Packing cubes or little compartments are like magic for keeping your stuff neat and easy to find. No more digging through your bag for headphones or snacks.
  4. Snack Attack: Pack some nutritious snacks to maintain your energy levels. Nuts, fruit, or granola bars are like little energy boosts when needed.
  5. Fun and Games: A good book, tablet, or tune can make time fly by (pun intended). Remember to bring something fun to keep you entertained.

What Should You Not Include in Your Carry-On?

While you're getting all your must-haves together, remember there are some no-nos for your carry-on bag:

  1. Big Bottles of Liquid: Anything over 3.4 ounces must stay at home or in your checked luggage. To glide past security, remember the 3-1-1 rule.
  2. Sharp Stuff: Don't carry scissors, pocket knives, or other sharp objects in your carry-on. Safety first!
  3. Sporty Gear: You should check any large sports equipment, such as bats, clubs, or anything that appears to belong in a game or match.
  4. Self-Defense Items: Things like pepper spray or tasers need to stay at home. Safety regulations are super strict about this.
  5. Flammable Items: No lighters, matches, or anything that could light up unexpectedly. Let's keep it safe and sound.

Packing smart is about making your flight as comfortable and hassle-free as possible. Following these guidelines will guarantee that you are well-prepared for your journey.

Tip 4: Familiarize yourself with airport procedures

Stepping into an airport for the first time can feel like entering a new world filled with bustling crowds, flashing screens, and a maze of signs. But don't worry; getting a grip on how things work is your secret weapon for a smooth start to your journey. Also, you may rest a lot more if you know a few things about flight safety. So, let's demystify those airport procedures and get you from the entrance to your gate like a pro.

Check-In Like a Champ

  1. Online Check-In Magic: Save time and skip the lines by checking in online. This is usually possible up to 24 hours before your travel on most airlines' websites or apps.
  2. Baggage Drop-off: Got bags to check? Head to your airline's baggage drop after you've checked in. If you're carrying on, you're all set to go straight to security.
  3. Have Your Boarding Pass Handy: You should either print out or have your boarding pass on hand. You'll need to show it a few times before you're in the air.

Breeze Through Security

  1. Be Ready: When you get to security, have your ID and boarding pass out. You'll need to show these more than once, so keep them close.
  2. Pack Smart: Remember the 3-1-1 rule for liquids in your carry-on and take out electronics more significant than a phone for the x-ray machine.
  3. Listen and Follow: Security folks are there to keep everyone safe. To keep the line running smoothly, listen carefully to what they say and do what they ask.

Boarding Without the Fuss

  1. Know Your Group: Airlines often board by groups or zones. Check your boarding pass so you know when it's your turn.
  2. Gate Check: Watch the departure boards for any gate changes and make sure you're at the right place at the right time.
  3. Mind Your Manners: When it's time to board, let those before you go first, and stow your stuff quickly to help everyone get seated without a hitch.

Navigate Like a Navigator

  1. Learn the Layout: Airports can be significant but relatively easy to get around. Check out maps online or use an airport app to find your way.
  2. Time It Right: Arrive early, but early enough. A solid rule of thumb is two hours for domestic flights and three hours for international trips.
  3. Gate Goals: Try to be at your gate about 30-45 minutes before takeoff. It provides a buffer for any last-minute hiccups and smooths the boarding process.

Knowing the airport ropes means you're halfway to an excellent flying experience. With these tips in your travel toolkit, you'll navigate check-ins, security, and boarding like you've done a hundred times. Ready for takeoff?

Book Domestic and International Flight on

Tip 5: Understand in-flight safety procedures

Hopping on a plane and zooming off into the skies is an adventure; part of that adventure is ensuring you're snug and safe the whole way. Even though flying is one of the safest ways to travel, knowing what's what when it comes to in-flight safety can give you that extra peace of mind. Plus, it's a big part of ensuring a comfortable flight. Let's unpack some safety basics that'll have you flying like a pro.

Tune into the Safety Show

  1. Pre-Takeoff Tips: The crew will share a safety briefing right before the plane takes off. It might be live or on a screen, but it's your cue to look up and listen in.
  2. Buckle Up: Step one is to learn how to use your seat belt. It's pretty straightforward—click to close, lift to open. As with a car, it's important to keep it bucked up when seated.
  3. Oxygen and Life Vests: Know where your oxygen mask and life vest are. If you ever need them, you'll want to know how to put the mask on and inflate the vest quickly.

Emergency 101

  1. Quick Exit: Knowing where the nearest exit is means you can make a beeline for it in an emergency. Remember, it might be behind you!
  2. Stay Safe, Stay Low: If things get bumpy, the crew might ask you to brace. It's all about keeping low and protecting your head.
  3. Emergency Gear: From fire extinguishers to emergency slides, it's good to know where the safety gear is, just in case.

Safety Gear and Listening Up

  1. Safety Card Study Time: Every seat has a safety card with information on emergency procedures. Read it while you're settling in.
  2. Seat Pocket Inventory: In addition to the safety card, check out what else is in the seat pocket. You might find air sickness bags and other items.
  3. Crew Knows Best: If there's an emergency, the flight crew will guide you through it. You should follow their lead as they are well-trained for such situations.

Understanding the ins and outs of in-flight safety isn't just about following rules; it's about making your flight as smooth and enjoyable as possible. So, next time you're on board, take a moment to get familiar with the safety features around you. It's all part of the journey!

Tip 6: Stay Hydrated and Nourished

Zooming off to new destinations is a blast, but did you know that staying hydrated and munching on the right snacks can make your flight even better? It's true! When you're up in the air, your body experiences some changes, like getting a bit dehydrated and feeling bloated. But don't worry—with these first-time flying tips, you'll know just how to keep feeling great from takeoff to touchdown.

Up in the Air: What's Happening to Your Body

  1. Thirsty Work: The air in the plane cabin is super dry, making you feel dehydrated. This can lead to dry skin and feeling tired.
  2. Tummy Troubles: Sitting still for a long time and changing air pressure can slow your digestion, making your tummy feel slightly off.
  3. Time Zone Tango: Flying through different time zones can mess with your sleep and make you feel out of sorts.
  4. Drink Up: The Lowdown on Staying Hydrated
  5. H2O to the Rescue: Drinking plenty of water is vital. It aids with digestion and keeps you hydrated while you're in the air.
  6. Watch Your Beverages: Try to limit drinks like coffee and alcohol. They might seem tempting, but they can make you more dehydrated.

Snack Smart: Fueling Up Right

  1. Pack Your Snacks: Bringing healthy snacks like fruits or nuts can keep your energy up without making you feel bloated.
  2. Choose Wisely: If you're picking a meal on the plane, go for something light and balanced. Think veggies, some good protein, and grains.
  3. Special Diets: If you've got specific food needs, let the airline know beforehand so they can hook you up with the proper meal.

Beat Bloating and Jet Lag

  1. Foods to Avoid: Some foods can make you feel more bloated, especially in the air. Avoid beans and fizzy drinks.
  2. Move Around: Stand up, stretch, and walk down the aisle now and then. It helps keep your blood flowing and stops you from feeling stiff.
  3. Sync Your Meals: Try to eat according to the time zone you're heading to. It's a neat trick to help your body adjust and fight off jet lag.

These tips can make your flight way more enjoyable, leaving you ready to hit the ground running (or exploring) as soon as you land. So drink up, snack smart, and enjoy the ride!

Tip 7: Manage travel anxiety

Feeling jittery about flying is normal, especially if it's your first time heading into the skies. Don't freak out because of those butterflies! With some handy beginner air travel advice, you can learn to keep that travel anxiety in check and enjoy the journey. Here's the lowdown on staying cool, calm, and collected.

Chill Out with These Anxiety-Busting Tips

  1. Breathe Deep: Take some slow, deep breaths when nerves kick in. It's like hitting the reset button on your stress levels.
  2. Happy Place: Close your eyes and picture somewhere that relaxes you. Imagine yourself on a warm beach or in the comfort of your own home.
  3. Distractions Are Key: Immerse yourself in a captivating book, enjoy your favorite music, or immerse yourself in a captivating film. Time flies when you're having fun!

When Anxiety Cranks Up a Notch

  1. Talk It Out: If flying has you on edge, chatting with a therapist could be a game-changer. They're pros at helping you navigate those anxious feelings.
  2. Medication Might Help: If your doctor thinks it's a good idea, some meds can help take the edge off anxiety for your trip.
  3. Learn the Ropes: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is about changing those anxious thoughts and could be super helpful for frequent flyers.

Extra Tricks to Keep Anxiety at Bay

  1. Stay Present: Mindfulness is like a superhero for your brain. Prioritizing the here and now above the hypothetical helps.
  2. Know Before You Go: Understanding what to expect—from security checks to how turbulence feels—can make a big difference in how relaxed you feel.
  3. Lean on Your Squad: Talking to friends or family about your feelings can be a significant relief. They're your cheer squad!

Taking Care of You

Managing those jitters is about finding what works for you, whether it's deep breaths, a good chat, or knowing you're prepared. Don't forget that it's okay to ask for help. Flying should be part of the adventure, not a roadblock, so take care of yourself and prepare to soar.

Tip 8: Stay Organized

Organizing everything before takeoff can simplify a stressful travel day. Imagine having all your essential stuff, like your ID and boarding pass, right where and when you need them. That's the power of staying organized, and it's a total game-changer, especially when juggling all those flight booking essentials. Here's how to keep your travel vibe smooth and your stress levels low.

Organizing Your Travel Must-Haves

  1. Travel Wallet for the Win: A travel wallet isn't just a stylish accessory—it's your best buddy for keeping your passport, tickets, and IDs neatly tucked away.
  2. Go Digital: Snap pictures or scan your essential documents and keep them safe in the cloud or email. It's like having a digital safety net.
  3. Tag and Label: Give your documents some love with clear labels. No more shuffling papers to find your hotel booking or car rental information.

Boarding Passes and Itineraries: Keeping Track

  1. App It Up: With apps like TripIt or your airline's app, you can have all your travel plans and boarding passes on your phone.
  2. Email Magic: Dedicate a particular folder in your email just for travel stuff. It's like having a mini travel assistant in your inbox.
  3. Old-School Backup: Tech is excellent, but sometimes you need a good old printed copy. Keep one handy, just in case.

Why Digital Tools Rock for Travelers

  1. Stay in the Know: Get instant updates on your flight status, gate changes, and any delays right on your phone.
  2. Itinerary Central: Keep all your plans—from flights to fun activities—in one spot so you can glance and go.
  3. Boarding Bliss: Use your phone as your boarding pass for a quick and easy check-in. No paper, no problem.

The Upside of Being a Travel Organization Pro

Having your organization in order allows you to smoothly navigate your travel day. It's all about making your journey smoother so you can kick back, relax, and soak up the excitement of your trip. Plus, when you're not stressing over where your passport is or scrambling to find your boarding pass, you've got more headspace to enjoy the adventure ahead. So, get organized and get ready to explore!

Tip 9: Be prepared for potential disruptions

No matter how much you want your trip to go smoothly, things can go wrong at the worst times. Be prepared for unexpected travel challenges, such as a delay that forces you to watch more airport sunsets than you anticipated, a cancellation that leaves you scrambling, or a missed connection that completely upends your itinerary. So, let's get you prepped to deal with these potential hiccups like a seasoned traveler.

The What-Ifs of Flying

  1. Hold-Ups in the Sky: Sometimes, your plane might take longer to leave the ground thanks to stormy weather or busy skies.
  2. Canceled Plans: Occasionally, a flight may cancel, necessitating a change of course and the creation of new plans.
  3. The Connection Conundrum: If you're hopping from one flight to another, a delay in your first leg could mean you miss your next flight.

Smart Moves When Disruptions Hit

  1. Get Insured: Travel insurance isn't just another checkbox; it's your safety net for when things don't go as planned, covering everything from rebooking fees to an unexpected hotel stay.
  2. Know Your Rights: Each airline has its own playbook for handling delays and cancellations. With a quick read-through, you can understand what to anticipate and the benefits or compensation you are eligible for.
  3. Stay in the Loop: Keep your phone charged and handy for flight updates via email or text. Social media and a direct line to customer service can also be your best friends when sorting out snags.

Why Insurance and Info Matter

  1. Safety Blanket: Having good travel insurance protects you against any unforeseen circumstances, such as lost luggage or unexpected medical expenses.
  2. Fine Print Savvy: Understanding the ins and outs of your insurance policy and the airline's policies ensures you know exactly what you're entitled to, with no surprises.
  3. Help at Your Fingertips: Most insurance plans provide immediate assistance and advice through phone calls.

Smooth Sailing with a Plan B

Having a backup plan and being ready for the curveballs travel might throw your way means you're not just a traveler; you're a travel pro. With good prep, the right coverage, and a dash of patience, you'll easily navigate through travel's ups and downs, keeping the adventure going no matter what comes your way.

Tip 10: Embrace the Adventure

Are you ready to fly? Flying for the first time is more than just a journey from point A to point B; it's the start of a grand adventure, a leap into a world of new possibilities and experiences. When you board that plane, you're not just a passenger but an explorer, setting off on a voyage filled with wonder and discovery. Here's a little nudge to embrace the adventure and make every moment airborne an experience to treasure.

The Magic of Your First Flight

  1. A World from Above: Imagine looking out the window to see clouds floating by and cities and landscapes like miniatures below—there's real magic in seeing the world from a whole new perspective.
  2. Cultural Kaleidoscope: Every trip is a chance to dive into cultures different from yours, meet fascinating people, and collect stories that enrich your life.
  3. The thrill of Discovery: Keep your heart open to travel's serendipities and surprises. Often, the most treasured memories are the ones that didn't go as planned.

Why Travel Transforms

  1. Grow as You Go: Travel pushes you out of your comfort zone, challenging you to adapt, grow, and discover strengths you never knew you had.
  2. A Feast for the Senses: From the aromatic spices of a bustling market to the soothing sounds of a distant shoreline, travel is a full-sensory experience that stays with you.
  3. Memories to Hold Onto: The moments you collect on your travels—the sights, the sounds, the people—become part of your story, a treasure trove of memories that enrich your life.

Seize the Day, Embrace the Journey

  1. Be an Explorer: Every destination has something unique to offer. Dive into the local scene, taste new foods, and say yes to experiences that come your way.
  2. Learn and Grow: Each journey teaches you something new about the world, about others, and about yourself. Embrace these lessons with an open heart.
  3. Reflect and Revel: Take a moment to soak it all in and reflect on the journey and what it means to you. These moments of quiet appreciation reveal the true beauty of travel.

As you buckle up for your first trip, know that you're about to start an amazing journey. Let the excitement of the unknown fuel your journey, and let each experience and encounter enrich your life in ways you never imagined. Enjoy the trip, and let the sky be the beginning of a journey full of growth, joy, and endless finding. Welcome aboard the adventure of a lifetime!


We've discussed many excellent tips for flying for the first time. Remember, it's all about making your trip easy and fun, from picking the best flight and seat to packing your bag. And remember, even if flying feels scary, it's also a big adventure waiting to happen. Also, go to to book your flights. Follow these tips to have a great trip. Soon, you'll be flying like a pro.

We're here for you if you want to share your story or get more help and thoughts. It's always great to learn from each other, and your story might also help someone else feel brave about their first flight.

Also, check out if you want to read more fun trip stories or tips. This website is great and has lots of great trip tips and fun ideas. We have something for everyone, whether you're just starting out or have done a few trips before. Cheers to your first flight and a fun time on the high seas!