9 Mistakes Parents Make and How to Avoid Them

9 Mistakes Parents Make and How to Avoid Them

Automobiles June, 05, 2024

Your child’s safety is always your top priority, and one significant aspect of this is car seat safety. It is true that child car seats are complex and often installed incorrectly. It further leads to putting your child in danger. Of course, none of us do this intentionally, and no parent wants their child to be in danger. But the good thing is, if there are several car seat mistakes, there are many things you can do to ensure car seat safety and protect your child from any harm. Your child's car seat safety is not common sense or intuitive, and your instinct will not help you install the seat right. Are you still searching for instructions on how to install a car seat? Or which is the best car seat for my child?

However, despite taking several precautions, many of us will be making errors regarding car seat safety. But that is okay, as we are here to help you! We know that your child’s safety is paramount; trusted10.io has listed nine common car seat mistakes and how to avoid them. This guide will help you identify the most common car seat mistakes often made by parents and their solutions. By the end, we are confident that you will have a clear understanding of how to install a car seat.

Mistake 1: Incorrect Car Seat Selection

One of the ordinary but critical car seat mistakes parents make is selecting the wrong seat for their child. They often think that the best car seat for my child depends on the age of my child. However, you need to remember that your child needs a car seat depending on the stage of their growth each year.

Potential Consequences:

  1. Choosing an incorrect car seat for your baby reduces the probability of car seat safety.
  2. If the seat is not secured correctly, it can cause falling off from the seat in an accident.
  3. If you have chosen the wrong seat for your child, it leads to improper harness position, resulting in strain.

How to Avoid the Mistake?

  1. When purchasing a car seat for your child, always check the manufacturer's specifications for weight and height.
  2. You can also refer to the recommendations of safety organizations, as some recommend keeping your child in a rear-facing seat until he/she exceeds the limit of his/her seat.
  3. When considering buying a seat for your child, you can read the reviews and recommendations from trusted organizations.

Mistake 2: Improper Installation of Car Seat

When purchasing a car seat for your baby, it is essential to understand how to install a car seat. It is because improper installation will lead to an accident that we don’t want you to face. Though it can happen to anyone, even with experienced parents, it is essential to read about the guidelines for its installation.

Potential Consequences:

  1. If your child’s car seat is not secured tightly, it may move during sudden stops, leading to an accident.
  2. Also, there will be a higher risk of injury when the harness strap is loose, as it will fail to hold the child in place.

How to Avoid the Mistake?

  1. To avoid this mistake, the first thing to do is to read and follow the car seat manual. Make sure to follow the installation instructions to prevent any errors.
  2. You can also consult your vehicle’s manual, as some have special instructions for your child’s car seat safety.
  3. When installed you can check for tightness by giving a firm shake at the base of the car seat. Make sure that it doesn't move more than an inch.
  4. Lastly, you can practice more, as practice makes a man perfect, and then double-check the installation.

Mistake 3: Loose Harness Straps

A frequent issue parents face in one of the many car seat mistakes is loose harness straps. It happens when the straps are unable to tighten the hold of your child. You might think that giving your child space will be more comfortable, but it reduces the effectiveness of car seat safety.

Potential Consequences:

  1. Loose straps mean inadequate control, and your child is not secured correctly.
  2. It increases the risk of slipping out during a sudden break or collision.
  3. Loose harness straps can also result in misaligned chest clips that can further cause internal injuries.

How to Avoid the Mistake?

  1. To check on loose straps, you can pinch the strap on your child’s shoulder. If you cannot pinch, it means the straps are tight, and if you can squeeze the strap, you can tighten it again.
  2. You can also avoid this mistake by positioning the chest clip at the armpit level and keeping the harness straps in the correct positions.
  3. Make sure you check the harness tightness before starting any trip. Try to re-adjust the strap as your child grows.

Mistake 4: Using Secondhand Car Seats

Choosing a secondhand car seat seems like a cost-effective solution. However, it compromises the safety of the child's car seat as these are designed to meet specific safety needs that change over time. When you use a seat that has passed its limit, it can put your child at risk.

Potential Consequences:

  1. Using secondhand car seats compromises the safety of your child. The materials used in car seats degrade over time, leading to a decrease in their ability to withstand any crash.
  2. Seats purchased secondhand might have already been in accidents that further cause unseen damage.

How to Avoid the Mistake?

  1. To avoid this mistake, check the expiration date first thing before buying it.
  2. If possible, we would suggest you buy a new car seat to meet all safety requirements. Still, if you wish to use a secondhand seat, only accept from the sources you know about.
  3. You can also check for visible damage, if any, and ensure that the straps are in good condition.

Mistake 5: Incorrect Chest Clip Placement

A common car seat mistake found is incorrect chest clip placement. A chest clip allows the harness straps to stay in the proper position. It is often placed too high or too low and should always sit at your child's armpit level.

Potential Consequences:

  1. The harness strap will slide off if the chest clip is too low, and you will have no control over the safety of your child.
  2. A chest clip can cause internal injuries such as discomfort or stress when placed too high.
  3. If there is an accident, a chest clip placed incorrectly will fail to hold the harness and increase the risk of injury.

How to Avoid the Mistake?

  1. The first thing to do is to find the correct position of the chest clip, which is at armpit level.
  2. Check the tightness of the harness strap and perform the pinch test.
  3. You can always double-check or make a habit of regularly checking the chest clip placement.
  4. To ensure the safety of your child, you can always consult a certified technician to inspect your car seat.

Mistake 6: Ignoring Booster Seat Requirements

There are many of us who move their kids from a car seat to a regular seatbelt and ignore the booster seat requirement. To ensure the car seat safety of your child, it is necessary to first adjust your child according to the booster seat. It will raise the child to make sure that the seat belt fits properly.

Potential Consequences:

  1. When you use a seat belt directly, it might sit across the neck and cause severe injury in an accident.
  2. Without a booster seat, incorrect placement of the seat belt can cause neck, spine, or abdominal injury. It is known as “seat belt syndrome” and can be life-threatening.

How to Avoid the Mistake:

  1. To avoid any injury and ensure the car seat safety of your child, you need to know the guidelines for a booster seat. It is essential to understand the age and size requirements for using a booster seat.
  2. Check if the seat belt fits perfectly, meaning the shoulder belt lying across the middle of the chest and the lap belt resting across the upper thighs.
  3. You do not need to rush the transition and keep the booster seat as long as your child doesn’t meet the requirements.

Mistake 7: Adding Aftermarket Products

Adding products like harness pads, head positioners, or seat covers may improve the comfort but these items can interfere with the car seat safety of your child. These aftermarket products are not crash-tested and can compromise the safety of your child.

Potential Consequences:

  1. One major consequence of this is the risk of safety, as these products do not have the ability to control your child's car seat safety.
  2. It increases the risk of injury as products like harness pads or cushions can compress during an accident.
  3. Also, adding additional things can cause errors when installing the car seat correctly.

How to Avoid the Mistake?

  1. To avoid this general mistake, use the products or accessories approved by the manufacturer.
  2. Also, there are car seats of various brands that come with built-in features. So, you can contact your manufacturer if these are missing.
  3. Avoid using custom seat covers or seat protectors, as these may interfere with the installation of car seats.
  4. Make sure you dress your child comfortably in thin, snug layers.

Mistake 8: Incorrect Rear-Facing Angle

A common mistake compromising your child’s safety is positioning a rear-facing car seat at the wrong angle. If the seat is too upright, the head of your baby might fall forward and obstruct their airways. Similarly, if the seat is reclined, it will not protect the child’s head and neck during an accident.

Potential Consequences:

  1. If the angle is upright, it can be dangerous for your baby as the head could fall forward. It may cause obstruction in the airways, leading to suffocation.
  2. Also, if the seat is too reclined, it may not support the head and neck in a car accident.
  3. The overall stability of the car seat can be affected by an improper angle. It will cause the movements of sitting to be in excess.

How to Avoid the Mistake?

  1. Try to use the built-in angle indicator and follow the guide to adjust the angle of the seat to a certain range.
  2. You can also refer to the car seat manual to have the correct rear-facing angle of the child seat.
  3. Try adjusting the base to achieve the right angle. You can also place a rolled towel under the car seat to adjust the angle in case it doesn’t have an adjustable base.
  4. Make sure to check the car seat stability, as it shouldn’t move more than an inch from side to side.
  5. To check the safety of the car seat, periodically check the rear-facing angle as part of your safety routine.
  6. You can also visit a certified safety technician to get advice on achieving the right angle for your child’s car seat.

Mistake 9: Ignoring Expiration Dates

One of the standard car seat mistakes among parents is ignoring the car seat expiration dates. Expiration of seats not only comes with a date but there are several other things that can cause the car seat to expire. Car seats can develop cracks or can be weakened due to repeated use. It can compromise the ability to offer protection during a collision.

Potential Consequences:

  1. An expired seat cannot offer protection at the same level as a new car seat. Expired seats compromise the seat's ability to keep your child safe and secure.
  2. When using an expired car seat the manufacturer’s warranty gets void and exposes parents to legal liability in case of accident.

How to Avoid the Mistake?

  1. Check the expiration date that is printed on the car seat’s label found on the button or back of the seat.
  2. You can register for a seat with the manufacturer and receive notifications regarding safety updates.

Try to set reminders on your calendar to remember the time to replace the car seat. You can also try to choose a car seat with a longer lifespan. You can purchase the seat, which offers extended use, and adjust it as your child grows.


Learning about the nine mistakes parents commonly make, it is clear that the installation of the car seat is paramount. Reasons like wrong car seats expired or secondhand seats, and incorrect angles compromise the safety of the child's car seat. So, by understanding these car seat mistakes, parents ensure a safer journey for their children.

Car seat safety is a major part of protecting your kids on the road and is not just a mere guideline. So, it is essential to check that the seat is installed correctly and appropriately for your child. Things like how to install a car seat or when to change the seat make a big difference in safety. Don’t forget that the best car seat for my child is the seat that fits them perfectly.

But if you doubt car seat safety or how to install a car seat, get advice from the professionals. Trusted10.io helps parents learn the complexities they can face from a child’s car seat. You will find guides and enough information that will help you make the best choices. Our team is here to support you in ensuring the safety of your child's car seat.